BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Six years later with thousands of Coast claims still pending

It is hard to believe the BP oil spill was six years ago and that folks are still going through the claims process. It has been, in many respects, a painful process but claims are still moving forward with around 150,000 still pending.

Here’s on important tip: if you receive a “denial of payment” you may still have options. However, you will only have 30 days to respond so call your attorney as soon as you receive the denial notice. They should be able to look up your claim to determine the exact reason for the denial. Our staff has found in many cases a denial can be reversed once additional documentation or a signature is provided.

If you have a claim and would like a status update, give us a call or go online to deepwaterhorizoneconomicsettlement.com, send an email request to Questions@dhecc.com or call 1-800-353-1260.

Amazingly, the process for calculating these claims has, for the third time, recently been changed. How they calculate claims today is not how they calculated claims in 2012 nor 2011. The numbers being so widely varied has been, perhaps, the most frustrating aspect. However, these are the rules we must all follow.

While the federal side of the BP oil spill was recently settled in federal court, we anticipate the payment of all other claims, such as individual, business and medical, to continue for another two years.

At the end of the day, there is no question the oil spill depressed all aspects of our economy with approximately 383,000 claims filed in total.

Our law firm has been involved in the BP oil spill class action litigation since its inception in 2010. We were named by the Court to serve on the Economic and Property Damages Committee in the Multi-District Litigation. During this time we have represented numerous businesses and individuals along the entire Gulf Coast in connection with the spill.

If you or a loved one is in need of legal assistance related to any personal injury matter, call the experienced Mississippi Personal Injury Attorneys at  Reeves & Mestayer, PLLC at 228-374-5151, toll free at 1-855-558-2977, or contact us online.

LawCall BP GraphicOn the set of our firm’s weekly TV show, LawCall, answering BP questions. Pictured with attorney Matthew Mestayer and host Ken Flanagan is our firm’s BP Claims Specialist, April Parker.