Federal Judge signs a 90-Day Stay filed jointly by Reeves & Mestayer against: Singing River Health System, TransAmerica, KPMG & Others
A 90-Day Stay, filed jointly by Reeves & Mestayer and Cunningham & Bounds (Mobile) law firms, was ordered on Dec. 15 by Federal Judge Louis Guirola, Jr. in the Southern District Federal Court against Singing River Health System, Board of Trustees, and 11 others.
Under the Stay Order, SRHS and those named will continue to pay all retirees and beneficiaries as set forth in the Plan, the three percent deduction from active employees’ pay will continue to be eliminated, documents subject to this litigation will continue to be preserved, the Plan shall not be terminated or dissolved and the Court may extend the Stay Order as deemed appropriate.
“This Stay is another avenue we’re taking, in addition to the federal class action suit we’ve already filed, to get employees and retirees what they were promised,” said Attorney Jim Reeves. “We know the actions resulting in today’s retirement crisis were intentional conduct by all parties involved and the Stay will stop them for the next 90 days.”
Reeves & Mestayer along with Cunningham & Bounds law firms began reviewing and investigating employees’ pension records in October. Both firms are nationally recognized for their work with class action and federal lawsuits. Attorney Matthew Mestayer says they are continuing to explore all legal avenues to get employees and retirees what they were promised.
“Those named in this Stay need to be held accountable and the most universal solution will be found in Federal Court,” Mestayer said. “This Stay and the class action we’ve already filed will bring into light the real rights and benefits owed through this retirement contract.”
To read the Sun Herald article about our 90-Day Stay, follow this link: http://www.sunherald.com/2015/01/15/6019231/srhs-reaches-federal-agreement.html